Thursday, September 3, 2020

Business Proposal Essay

Financing Requirements14 Confidentiality Agreement The undersigned peruser recognizes that the data gave in this field-tested strategy is secret; consequently, the peruser makes a deal to avoid unveiling it without the express composed authorization of Mr. K Seeman Durai. It is recognized by the peruser that data to be outfitted in this field-tested strategy is in all regards classified in nature, other than data that is in the open space through different methods, and that any divulgence or utilization of this private data by the peruser may make genuine mischief or harm M/s. Newsky Fireworks Limited Upon demand, this report is to be promptly come back to Mr K Seeman Durai. Mark Date : 26. 05. 2013 1. Official Summary Promoter’s Profile 1. Name:K Seeman Durai 2. Age:45 years 3. Address:No. 4859 Nethaji Road, Sivakasi 4. Instructive Qualification:M. B. A. , M. I. B. 5. Long periods of Experience:20 years (M/s. Murugan Fireworks) Financial projections are summed up and featured. (Rs. In Lakhs) |Particulars |Year 1 |Year 2 |Year 3 | |Sales |50. 0 |75. 00 |90. 00 | |Exports |35. 00 |40. 00 |50. 00 | |Net Profit before Tax |15. 00 |35. 00 |50. 00 | |Investment |80. 00 |90. 00 |95. 00 | 2. Organization Description Promoters and Shareholders |Name |Age |Designation |Address |No. of Shares | |K Seeman Durai |45 |Promoter |No. 859 Nethaji Road, Sivakasi |10 lakhs | Karthik |43 |Chief Executive |No. 728, West Car Street, Trichy |1 Lakh | |Officer | Jeya Sivasakthi |45 |Managing Director |No. 73, South Masi Road, Coimbatore. |2 lakh | |Kandan | |P. Dhanalakshmi |35 |Director |No. 83, Sarojini Road, Salem. |3 lakh | |T. Abinaya |34 |Director |No. 34, Second Street, Theni |3 lakh | |S. Aishwarya |40 |Member |No. 4859 Nethaji Road, Sivakasi |1 lakh | |S. Geetha |39 |Member |No. 73, South Masi Road, Coimbatore. |1 lakh | Advisors |Name |Educational |Role |Address |Contact No. | |Qualification | |CA G Rajesh |M. Com. , F. C. A. |First Auditor |8493 Sarojini Street, Chennai|+919835748343 | |Mrs. D Sheela |M. A. ,M. L. , |Legal Advisor |857, Gandhi Road, Madurai |+919447382342 | |Mr. K Gulandaivel |B. E. , |Technical Advisror|76, Tagore Street, Vellore |+919472834234 | Products and Services †¢ Unique Selling Points : Crackers that burst with wordings in regards to the event. e. g. Upbeat Diwali, Happy New Year, Happy Married Life and so on ) Long Term Aim of the Business â€Å"To give Eco-Friendly Crackers† Objectives |Particulars |I |II |III |IV |V | |Sales |50. 00 |75. 00 |90. 00 |95. 00 |100. 00 | |Exports |35. 00 |40. 00 |50. 00 |55. 00 |60. 00 | |Employment |2. 00 |2. 15 |2. 25 |2. 50 |2. 60 | SWOT Analysis Strengths |Weaknesses | |Investments and Professionals | |Opportunities |Threats | |Everlasting Demand |Competitions | 3. Market Analysis Target Market Segmentation Profile of Competitors Main Competitors would be : †¢ Arasan Groups of Fireworks Industries †¢ Kaliswari Fireworks †¢ Sony Fireworks Competitive Advantage We have the accompanying Competitive Advantages †¢ Unique highlights †¢ Price †¢ New innovations or frameworks †¢ Better an incentive to clients as far as effectiveness †¢ Greater similarity with existing frameworks †¢ Include any free approval or contextual analyses Benefits to Clients Our item gives to possible clients as far as their own business objectives. It empower them to: †¢ Increase deals †¢ Increase efficiencies Save cash †¢ Save time †¢ Maximize assets †¢ Reduce blunders †¢ Reduce vacation â⠂¬ ¢ Improve Customer Service, decrease beat, increment faithfulness 4. Advertising/Sales Strategy Marketing Strategy †¢ The Southern Tamil Nadu zone is to be thought first and adolescents are to be engaged †¢ Followed by youths, kids, grown-ups are to be concentrated †¢ Youngsters are the potential clients previously focused on †¢ Test site in activity are will be led, and criticism will be broke down appropriately †¢ Agents and Representatives are normal for showcasing Sales Strategy The significant Sales Strategy is to sell straightforwardly and by methods for wholesalers. Points of interest |Direct Sales |Through Distributors | |Composition |25% |75% | |Cost Involved |10/unit |7/unit | |Pricing |Penetration | Pricing †¢ Competitors Price is higher than our cost †¢ There is an adequate degree of rivalry in the market †¢ Production expenses and overheads are relied upon to be 60% of deals †¢ The purchaser can control the cost to an exte nsive level. Showcasing and Communications Strategy Advertising and Publicity will be the dynamic wellspring of Promotion. Promoting : Through TVs and papers. It is focused to crowd everywhere throughout the state at the underlying level Publicity : Banners have been wanted to be put at different hot areas 5. Innovative work Process [pic] Research and Development It has been wanted to sort out a R&D Department that would be effectively occupied with the examination of Eco-accommodating wafers and to think of different imaginative thoughts. 6. Staffing and Operation Management Organization Chart Staffing †¢ Department Managers are to be designated by the Board of Directors. The determination models for the equivalent would be Educational Qualification, Experience, Age and so on , Department Managers are enabled to enroll representatives for their concerned divisions for which choice rules is to be set by the chiefs. †¢ Skilled, Semi-Skilled and Unskilled Workers are to be used for different creation forms. The equivalent would be acquired from the closest areas at a sensible expense. Prepari ng Plans Training Programs are to be led at normal spans so as to upgrade the proficiency of the expertise levels of the laborers. 7. Money related Projections IKey Assumptions10 IIBalance Sheets11 IIICashflow12 Requirements for Preparation of Projections 6. Opening figures remembered based for most recent Mgmt/Audited accounts 7. Investors Fund broke down into Share Capital, Share Premium and Retained Profits 8. Deals Assumptions gave by unit, value portion and topography and accommodated to pipeline 9. Consumption arranged into R&D, Admin and Overheads and Promoters/key chiefs pay rates 10. Recognizable proof of month to month and aggregate organization operational shortfalls 11. Affectability examination might be required, specifying methodologies to be executed if deals or use targets are not met. 12. Projections ought to recognize independently Operational Cash Flow and outer Cash Injections IKey Assumptions |Particulars |Year 1 |Year 2 | |No. f Employees |250 |300 | |Investments in Equipment |1,50,00,000 |1,55,00,000 | |Projected R&D costs |25,00,000 |20,00,000 | |Depreciation took into consideration |12,00,000 |11,50,000 | |Expected lease and rates charges |5,00,000 | |Creditor days expected |45 |60 | |Debtor days permitted |60 | IIIBalance Sheets IVCashflow 9. Subsidizing Requirements |S. No. |Sources |Amount | |1. |Equity Shares of Rs. 10 each |Rs. 60 crore | |2. |10% Preference Shares of Rs. 100 each |Rs. 25 crore | |3. |8% Debenture of Rs. 100 each |Rs. 25 crore | |4. |Term Loans |Rs. 10 crore | Required for: †¢ Equipment:10 crore †¢ R&D:15 crore †¢ Marketing:2 crores †¢ Staffing:6 crores â€â€â€â€â€â€â€â€ 26. 05. 2013 Newsky Firework Limited Business Proposal K Seeman Durai and Group

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